How to Improve Communication and Active Listening

Communication is an essential aspect of our everyday lives, enabling us to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions with others. In this article we’ll learn how to improve our verbal and non-verbal communication and employ active listening.

This article will also discuss the following:

  • Organizing our thoughts before speaking
  • Importance of the language we use either in a work setting or personal life
  • How to have an active and engaged conversation
  • The role of body language, tone of voice and active listening in improving non-verbal communication

Learning How to Improve Verbal Communication Techniques

Effective verbal communication techniques can enhance our ability to convey messages clearly, engage in meaningful conversations, and build strong relationships.

By employing these verbal communication techniques, individuals can improve their ability to express themselves clearly, connect with others more effectively, and establish meaningful relationships.

Organizing Thoughts Before Speaking

Organizing your thoughts before speaking can hold major benefits, especially so in the workplace. Some of the benefits include:

  • Communicating with fluency
  • Appearing to be more charismatic
  • Being able to get your point across
  • Using less filler words like “uhm” or “uh” and stuttering
  • Enables you to clearly outline your ideas

However, organizing your thoughts before speaking also holds benefits in any relationship. Just think back on every time you were so mad at someone you felt like the Hulk ready to destroy anything in your way.

Instead of lashing out, first organize your thoughts and think clearly before reacting on impulse. Here are several ways you can better organize your thoughts before speaking:

If you’d like to learn more on the benefits of exercise, please see my full article: The Role of Exercise on Mental Health.

The Importance of Language, Vocabulary and Jargon for Improving Communication Skills

It’s important to make use of the appropriate language and vocabulary. You want to use language that is appropriate to your audience and your situation.

Here are a few language tips to keep in mind for the workplace:

  • Avoid using foul language. You’ll only create a bad impression of yourself. Using curse words brings no value to the conversation.
  • Avoid engaging in office gossip. It’s the easiest way to set yourself up for ridicule. Gossip is negative in nature and is disrespectful toward the person who is being gossiped about.
  • Stay positive. People enjoy positive vibes in the workplace. And keeping positive will likely land you a promotion. Using positive statements and having positive thoughts will improve your work performance and affect your behavior in a positive manner.
  • Expand your vocabulary. You don’t want to be the only person in the room that doesn’t understand business jargon. Make an effort to learn new words and make use of the correct grammar. The best way to do this is by reading. Make sure you understand the big words. Using appropriate words and grammar will help you sound professional.
  • Finally, leave your personal life at home.

Using proper language in your personal life is different from the language you use in an office setting. Here are a few things to keep in mind in your personal life:

  • You want to avoid sounding like Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. Meaning, don’t sound like a know-it-all or a robot.
  • Be mindful of your audience. Be able to adjust your language and vocabulary based on those around you. Take into account their age, cultural backgrounds / sensitivities and educational backgrounds.
  • Respect their boundaries. Avoid using offensive or derogatory language, making inappropriate jokes or comments. Be considerate of others’ feelings.
  • Be polite and courteous. This means remembering to say “please” and “thank you” when appropriate and making use of correct titles and pronouns when addressing others.
  • Avoid gossiping.

Active and Engaged Conversation

  1. Asking open-ended questions to encourage dialogue. If you’re not sure what to ask or how to keep a conversation going, you can check out some of these questions in a previous article of mine.
  2. Paraphrasing and summarizing to ensure understanding. You don’t have to repeat everything verbatim. Summarise the main points of what the other person has just shared with you.
  3. Expressing empathy and showing genuine interest. Again, this can be conveyed by using open-ended questions and summarizing or paraphrasing. You would also need to take note of your body language. Having a closed body may not be effective when trying to show empathy or interest.
  4. Avoid interrupting the other person mid-sentence. It will show disrespect towards them.
  5. Be as non-judgemental as possible. Sometimes someone will say something that you don’t particularly agree with. That’s okay. If you want the conversation to continue, it’s best to not seem judgemental. It will likely end the conversation right then and there.

Being attentive to the other person holds benefits to the relationship for both parties. The other person will be more inclined to verbalize at greater length and will respond better and more positively.

Learning How to Improve Non-Verbal Communication

While verbal communication is crucial for conveying messages, non-verbal communication techniques play an equally important role in our interactions.

Non-verbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, provide rich information that can greatly influence how our messages are perceived and understood.

Body Language for Improving Communication and Active Listening

Body language does not only include the body, but the facial expressions too. Facial expressions convey basic emotions. However, micro expressions may give away when you are lying. Always be aware of your face and facial expressions especially when you’re having a deep conversation with someone.

On the other hand, we have body language which can be used to enhance the verbal message. Sometimes we don’t have the right words to express how we feel or what we’re trying to say. That’s where proper body language comes in.

Using the correct body language you’ll be able to appear more positive, approachable and engaging.

More information can be found on Mind Tools

Tone of Voice

Tone of voice can be instrumental when it comes to communication. A simple phrase can have varying meanings depending on the tone of voice used.

Your tone can affect not only how people perceive you but also their willingness to continue listening to you. Tone can drastically change the meaning of your words.

If we’re not mindful of our tone it can open opportunities for miscommunication. A misaligned tone can also create confusion and misinterpretation. Hence, why being conscious of our tone is so important.

Luckily there are ways you can use your tone to improve your communication skills:

  1. Ensure your tone matches your message. Congratulating a colleague on a job well done should preferably not be done in a low tone. Instead, it should be upbeat and with a smile. Unless you want to sound snarky.
  2. You can use your tone of voice to build rapport. Ensure your tone is friendly and likable as this can result in a positive connection and may build trust. A welcoming tone can be used to strengthen relationships and create a positive working environment.
  3. Listen attentively when someone responds negatively toward our tone. Rather pause and reflect on how our tone may have influenced the received reaction. Our tone can indicate tensions and feelings brewing underneath the surface that we may not be aware of.

Active Listening

According to Arlin Cuncic, active listening is about seeking to understand the meaning of what is being said. And this is key to learning how to improve on your communication skills.

It requires being an active participant in the communication process.” Some of the listening techniques include:

  • Being present in the conversation
  • Being aware of body language. Not only your own, but of the other person(s)
  • Making use of open-ended questions to encourage a flowing conversation
  • Listening to understand rather than to react or respond
  • Being non-judgemental
  • Having good eye contact
  • Paraphrasing and summarizing
  • Avoiding interruptions and distractions


Learning how to improve your communication skills can take some time and practice. You have to be aware of the language you use, your tone of voice, body language and facial expressions.

It’s a whole mouthful but taking the time to master each of these separately will surely get you on the right track to being a more responsive, confident individual when it comes to speaking.

Conveying the right message with the right tone, grammar and language may even give you a more positive outlook within your personal as well as professional life.

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